Monoestearato de sorbitano

isoestearato de sorbitán is an ingredient that can be found in many of our everyday personal care products and food items. It is known as an emulsifier. This means it acts smoothly in blending two disparate matter that generally wouldn’t be able to disperse. For instance, it can combine oil and water, which otherwise would simply remain distinct. Sorbitan Monostearate can be found in such yummy treats as ice cream and whipped cream, and in lotions and creams used on our skin.

A common emulsifier

Two ingredients to prepare sorbitan monostearate are sorbitol and stearic acid. Sorbitol is a type of sugar alcohol that occurs naturally in some fruits, including apples and pears. It provides sweetness and serves as a sweetener. Stearic acid, on the other hand, is a fatty acid derived from animal and plant fat. Combine, and you have laurado sorbitano — an ingredient that acts as an emollient and helps provide a smoother texture in feel for many products we come in contact with.

Why choose OILREE Sorbitan Monostearate?

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