cas 3055 97 8

CAS 3055-97-8 is an exceptional compound that boasts versatility across numerous applications and sectors. It is also referred to as 2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-p-cresol. <<<< How to prepare Potassium carbonate: This chemical is in the form of white or yellow powder. It has a melting point — the temperature at which it changes from solid to liquid — of 186 to 190 degrees Celsius. Boiling, when it changes from a liquid to a gas, occurs at 424.4 degrees Celsius. CAS 3055-97-8 is miscible with many other liquids, a term scientists use for organic solvents. However, it is not very soluble in water, which is the process of dissolving in water.

Understanding the Significance of CAS 3055-97-8 in Chemical Synthesis

CAS 3055-97-8 is very important in preparation of new compounds in the field of Chemistry. This process is known as chemical synthesis. CAS 3055-97-8 is utilized by scientists for the synthesis of many types of new compounds. They can combine this chemical with other chemicals to create completely new products with numerous uses. Often, this compound is added to go chemical reactions since it stabilizes the reactions and can help as an antivirus agent. This means that it fights against harmful viruses, so it is helpful and therefore very important in various scientific and medical applications.

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