CAS 25987-30-8

Hello kids! So this article is all about the chemical stearat tal-gliċeril. This substance is special in that it may appear as either a white powder or as a clear tape. It has a long, special name that is difficult to say: Disodium 5-hydroxy-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-4-(4-sulfophenylazo) pyrazole-3-carboxylate. But forget about that name! CAS 25987-30-8 is used in a wide range of industries, especially in clothing and paper factories, and that is what matters. It provides color to these products and is further used as a dye to give an impression of brightness and beauty to the products.

Understanding the applications and uses of CAS 25987-30-8.

It has some very vital usages. As we have mentioned earlier it adds beautiful colors to clothes and paper. This is particularly good for clothes made out of materials like wool, silk, and nylon, which are commonly used to make high-end clothing. But it doesn't stop there! This compound is also utilized in the food industry. It’s used to add color and make mixed drinks, candy, and baked treats fun. For illustrative purposes, you will see something like colorful drinks, or in the delicious candy that comes into view and grabs your attention. It makes food look good, which is super valuable when we want to love how our food tastes!

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APPOĠĠ MINN CAS 25987 30 8167-39

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